Static Electricity - Mission SE2 Detailed Help

Balloons X , Y and Z are suspended from strings as shown below. Positively charged balloon X attracts balloon Y, while balloon Y repels balloon Z. Balloon Z ____. List all that apply in alphabetical order with no spaces between letters.

Charge Interactions
Charged objects show a noticeable interaction with other surrounding objects. The cause of the interaction can be summarized by one of the following three statements:
  • Oppositely charged objects attract each other.
  • Like-charged objects repel each other.
  • Any charged object - whether positive or negative - will attract a neutral object.

The focus of this question is balloon Z. Balloon Z repels balloon X - an object of known charge. The three different types of charge interactions are described in the Know the Law section. Observe that the only way two objects can repel each other is that the objects are charged and charged with the same type of charge. So knowing the charge on balloon X allows you to conclude what the charge on balloon Z is.


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