Electric Field Intensity

The Electric Field Intensity Concept Builder is comprised of four problems. Each problem has a table with eight rows. There are one or more empty table cells in every row. Learners must determine the numerical value of each empty table cell. Students tap on the empty cell and then use a built-in number pad to enter the answers. When the Check Answers button is tapped, the results of all entered values are reported using a color-coding scheme - red indicates an incorrect answer and green indicates a correct answer. A grey table cell was a cell that was not checked - likely because no answer had been entered for it.

The problems (i.e., the tables) are selected at random from a collection of four options. As a student enters values and checks answers, the program keeps track of the number of misses. A miss is counted whenever there is an entered answer in a cell that is not correct (even if it had not been changed since the last Check Answers event. Table cells that do not contain answers are not counted as misses. The number of misses is used to determine the Health. If there are 10 or more misses when doing the first table, a second table is presented to the student. The student is done after completing the second table and a Trophy is displayed on the Main Menu screen.

Teachers are encouraged to either do the activity or view the questions (below) to make a judgement about the suitability of the activity for their classes. 

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Electric Field Intensity

There are four questions in this Concept Builder. They differ only in terms of the numerical values that are provided in the table. Other than the values, the structure of every table is the same.

Question 1:
Complete the following table. Tap on a table cell to enter or edit an answer.


Question 2:
Complete the following table. Tap on a table cell to enter or edit an answer.


Question 3:
Complete the following table. Tap on a table cell to enter or edit an answer.

Question 4:
Complete the following table. Tap on a table cell to enter or edit an answer.