Kinematic Graphing Objectives

The Minds On Physics program consists of 15 topics. Each topic consists of a varying number of missions. Every mission addresses one to three objectives. The objectives for Kinematic Graphing are listed below.
  • Mission KG1: Basics of Position-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to identify the physical significance of the slope for a position-time graph.
    • The student should be able to match a verbal description of a given motion to the corresponding shape of a position-time graph.
  • Mission KG2: Shape and Slope of Position-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope of to extract information about the velocity of an object.
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope a position-time graph to extract information about the acceleration of an object.
  • Mission KG3: Matching Motion and Shape on a Position-Time Graph
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope of a position-time graph to extract information about the velocities of objects.
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope of a position-time graph to extract information about the accelerations of objects.
  • Mission KG4: Slope Calculations for Position-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to calculate the slope of a graph.
    • The student should be able to calculate the slope of a position-time graph and make meaning of the calculation.
  • Mission KG5: Basics of Velocity-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to identify the physical significance of the slope and the area for a velocity-time graph.
    • The student should be able to match a verbal description of a given motion to the corresponding shape of a velocity-time graph.
  • Mission KG6: Interpreting Velocity-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope to extract information about the motion of an object from a velocity-time graph.
  • Mission KG7: Interpreting Velocity-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope of a velocity-time graph to extract information about the velocity of an object.
    • The student should be able to use an understanding of the shape and slope of a velocity-time graph to extract information about the acceleration of an object.
  • Mission KG8: Slope and Area of a Velocity-Time Graph
    • The student should be able to determine the acceleration of an object from a velocity-time graph.
    • The student should be able to determine the displacement of an object from a velocity-time graph.
  • Mission KG9: Graphs and Oil Drop Diagrams
    • The student should be able to identify the appropriate match between an oil-drop representation of a motion and the position-time graph of the motion.
    • The student should be able to identify the appropriate match between an oil-drop representation of a motion and the velocity-time graph of the motion.
  • Mission KG10: Common Misconceptions Concerning Motion Graphs
    • The student should be able to verbally describe the motion of an object if given a position-time graph, being careful to distinguish between velocity and acceleration information.
    • The student should be able to verbally describe the motion of an object if given a velocity-time graph, being careful to distinguish between velocity and acceleration information.
  • Mission KG11: Matching Position-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
    • The student should be able to match a given position-time graph to the appropriate shape of a velocity-time graph.
    • The student should be able to match a given velocity-time graph to the appropriate shape of a position-time graph.