Subscription Purchase - Directions

Purchasing a subscription is the first step to getting started with Task Tracker for the Science Reasoning Center (or any of our other Task Tracker features). A subscription can be purchased by a teacher, by an administrative assistant, by a department head, or by any person authorized to make purchases on behalf of schools. We offer a variety of Subscription Plans. They fall into two categories - Individual Teacher Plans and Group Plans. Group Plans are designed for groups of two or more teachers from the same school who need at least 150 total seats. The first step of purchasing a subscription is to determine the number of seats that you need. Visit our online Seat and Cost Calculator if necessary.

Once you have determined the number of seats you will be purchasing, visit our Store and begin the subscription purchase process. Follow the directions in the PDF below. Right-clicking on the PDF below displays additional options. Options vary with different browsers.

Not seeing the PDF in the space below?  Download PDF.


Right-clicking on the PDF above displays additional options. Options vary with different browsers.

Not seeing the PDF in the space above?  Download PDF.