Student Registration
The PDF document below provides directions to students on how to Register for the Task Tracker system. We recommend that teachers provide this document to students when introducing the program to them. It is important to provide each class a Class Sign Up Code. The Class Sign-Up Code allow students to register and be automatically placed into a teacher's class roster. Without the Class Sign Up Code, students will have to manually add themselves to a teacher's class.
Privacy! Know your school, district, or state policy on Privacy. Our system works best for students and teachers when we can have a student's name and email address. The email address allows us to send notifications to students when needed (like when there is a request for a password reset). The first and last name allows teachers to view real sudent names when looking a a roster or a list of scores. Our system can work with fake email addresses and fake or coded names; it just doesn't work as well and as conveniently. The teacher and students should discuss expectations for these pieces of information before registration begins.
Teachers are granted permission to print and distribute this PDF document. They are also permitted to download the document and upload it to their Learning Management System. But do be aware that we change things on occassion and this PDF may change accordingly.